Dreamwaver Teaching Videos

Dreamweaver Coaching Classes

Here are the Links of Video Lectures
00 Introduction

01 Getting Started

02 The Dreamweaver Interface

03 Site Control

04 Creating New Documents

05 Adding Text and Structure

06 CSS Foundations

07 Controlling Typography

08 Working with Images

09 Creating Links

10 Controlling Layout with CSS

11 Working with Tables

12 Working with Forms

13 Building Templates

14 Adding User Interactivity

15 Working with Flash and Video

16 Managing Sites

17 Conclusion


00 Introduction

0001 Welcome.mov
0002 Using the exercise files.mov

01 Getting Started

0101 What is Dreamweaver.mov
0102 Learning web design.mov
0103 Current web standards.mov

02 The Dreamweaver Interface

0201 The Welcome screen.mov
0202 Windows and Mac interface differences.mov
0203 The Application toolbar.mov
0204 The Document toolbar.mov
0205 Arranging panels.mov
0206 Managing workspaces.mov
0207 The Properties Inspector.mov
0208 The Insert panel.mov

03 Site Control

0301 Basic site structure.mov
0302 File naming conventions.mov
0303 Defining a new site.mov
0304 Managing sites.mov
0305 Managing files and folders.mov
0306 Working with browsers.mov

04 Creating New Documents

0401 Creating new documents.mov
0402 New document preferences.mov
0403 Setting accessibility preferences.mov
0404 Working with starter pages.mov
0405 Managing starter pages.mov

05 Adding Text and Structure

0501 Basic tag structure.mov
0502 Adding structure to text.mov
0503 Creating lists.mov
0504 Getting text into Dreamweaver.mov
0505 Importing Word documents.mov

06 CSS Foundations

0601 Understanding style sheets.mov
0602 The anatomy of a CSS rule.mov
0603 Setting CSS preferences.mov
0604 The CSS Styles panel.mov
0605 Controlling CSS through the Properties Inspector.mov
0606 Using the Code Navigator.mov
0607 Using CSS Enable.mov
0608 Understanding element selectors.mov
0609 Understanding class selectors.mov
0610 Understanding ID selectors.mov
0611 Understanding descendent selectors.mov
0612 Attaching external style sheets.mov

07 Controlling Typography

0701 Working with units of measurement.mov
0702 Declaring font families.mov
0703 Controlling font sizing.mov
0704 Controlling weight and style.mov
0705 Controlling line height.mov
0706 Controlling vertical spacing with margins.mov
0707 Controlling spacing with padding.mov
0708 Aligning text.mov
0709 Transforming text.mov
0710 Writing global styles.mov
0711 Writing targeted styles.mov

08 Working with Images

0801 Understanding image types.mov
0802 Managing assets in Dreamweaver.mov
0803 Setting image accessibility preferences.mov
0804 Setting external image editing preferences.mov
0805 Placing images on the page.mov
0806 Photoshop integration.mov
0807 Modifying Smart Objects.mov
0808 Alternate Photoshop workflows.mov
0809 Modifying image properties.mov
0810 Styling images with CSS.mov
0811 Using background graphics.mov
0812 Positioning background graphics.mov

09 Creating Links

0901 Link basics.mov
0902 Setting site linking preferences.mov
0903 Creating links in Dreamweaver.mov
0904 Absolute links.mov
0905 Using named anchors.mov
0906 Linking to named anchors in external files.mov
0907 Creating an email link.mov
0908 Creating CSS-based rollovers.mov

10 Controlling Layout with CSS

1001 CSS structuring basics.mov
1002 The Box Model.mov
1003 Understanding floats.mov
1004 Clearing and containing floats.mov
1005 Using relative positioning.mov
1006 Using absolute positioning.mov
1007 Creating structure with div tags.mov
1008 Styling basic structure.mov
1009 Creating a two-column layout.mov
1010 Using Live View and CSS Inspect.mov
1011 Using Browser Lab.mov

11 Working with Tables

1101 Reviewing table structure.mov
1102 Importing tabular data.mov
1103 Creating accessible tables.mov
1104 Using thead and tbody tags.mov
1105 Basic table styling.mov
1106 Styling table headers.mov
1107 Styling column groups.mov
1108 Creating custom table borders.mov
1109 Styling table captions.mov

12 Working with Forms

1201 How forms work.mov
1202 Reviewing form design.mov
1203 Creating accessible forms.mov
1204 Setting form properties.mov
1205 The fieldset and legend tags.mov
1206 Inserting text fields.mov
1207 Inserting checkboxes.mov
1208 Inserting list menu items.mov
1209 Inserting radio button groups.mov
1210 Inserting text areas.mov
1211 Inserting submit buttons.mov
1212 Basic form styling.mov
1213 Form element styling.mov
1214 Styling form layout.mov
1215 Adding form interactivity.mov
1216 Using Spry validation widgets.mov

13 Building Templates

1301 Planning for Templates.mov
1302 Creating a new template.mov
1303 Using editable attributes.mov
1304 Creating optional regions.mov
1305 Creating new pages from a template.mov
1306 Applying templates to existing pages.mov
1307 Working with nested templates.mov
1308 Working with repeating regions.mov
1309 Modifying templates.mov

14 Adding User Interactivity

1401 Behaviors overview.mov
1402 Hiding and showing elements.mov
1403 Spry overview.mov
1404 Using Spry widgets.mov
1405 Adding Spry effects.mov
1406 Using the Widget Browser.mov

15 Working with Flash and Video

1501 Inserting Flash files.mov
1502 Setting properties for Flash.mov
1503 Dreamweaver and Flash integration.mov
1504 Encoding Flash video.mov
1505 Adding Flash video.mov

16 Managing Sites

1601 Running site-wide reports.mov
1602 Checking for broken links.mov
1603 Checking for browser compatibility.mov
1604 Adding remote servers.mov
1605 Uploading files.mov
1606 Managing remote sites.mov

17 Conclusion

1701 Goodbye.mov

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