To set the flash is not open on the computer on Windows 7, can be done using a simple trick below:

Press the Ctrl + R to open the Run menu
- Type gpedit.msc and press enter to go to the windows group policy
- Go to User Configuration> Administrative Templates> System> Removable Storage Access
- In the right pane double-click on Removable Disks: Deny read access
- Change to Enable and click OK
- Close the Group Policy window and then restart or log off the computer.
Now if you want to open or access the flash, it will display a message ... .. which ultimately can not access the flash.

To set the flash can only be opened and read only file on Windows 7, but can not copy and paste or save the data, can be done by using the trick below.
- Press the Ctrl + R to open the Run menu
- Type gpedit.msc and press enter to go to the windows group policy
- Go to User Configuration> Administrative Templates> System> Removable Storage Access
- In the right pane double-click on Removable Disks: Deny write access
- Change to Enable and click OK
- Close the Group Policy window and then restart or log off the computer.
Now if you want to copy and paste files to the flash or save files to the flash can not will not be anymore.
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